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Make Money Online.Invest in Stock Market.

Make Money Online

Today, all people want to earn money, many people work hard all day, but they do not earn much money.People in the world earn money in two ways, one hard work and the other smart work earn money from hard work, only they are able to keep their food catering and living properly, but with smart work people change their lifestyle.One such way is the stock market.This is legal way for Make Money Online. Many people invest in the stock market, but due to lack of knowledge,they make a loss. How to invest in the stock market ?What knowledge should they have?How to Make Money Online. I will tell you in this session.
We need open Demat account to invest in stock market.Demat account is an account to hold stock in electronic form. The documents required for Demat account are as follows.
a.)Aadhaar card
b.)Pan card
c.)Bank Account

How to invest in share market?

Procedure for buy a stock in stock market

                       Selection of broker 
                     Open a demat account
                       Investment amount 
                       Choose right stock
                           Place an order
                           Contract note
                       Settlement of stock

What to keep in mind while investing in the stock market-

a-)Invest surplus amount in stock market -

If you have additional money for investment in the stock market which you do not have to use, invest the same money in the stock market.

b.)Understand stock market-

No one can say that you will benefit in the stock market from first investment For this, you will have to gather stock information and understand the background management,business model or P/E ratio etc. of the company in which you are investing.

c.)Awareness of stock market-

For knowledge of the stock market market, read the magazine,  like Business today ,Business Standard , Economics Times and watch the TV channel giving knowledge of the stock market.

d.)Stock Analysis-

How to analyze the stock I have explained in my previous blog, we do this in three ways, first economic analysis, industry analysis and last company analysis.

e.)Don't invest whole amount

According to me, you should not invest all your money in one share at a time, only 60% of the money you invest in a stock and you keep 40% of money, if the value of your share comes down, then buying more shares for average.

f.)Diversify portfolio-

Never invest all your money in one share.You choose four to five companies that are performing well and have good financial performance,which will give you good profit and less chance to loss.Never put all eggs in one basket.

g.)Invest for long term-

Research stock and holding for long term because this type of investment giving dividend,stock splits and the stock rates keep increasing gradually.

h.)Start with little amount-

You can learn by investing small amount,how to work in the stock market? which stocks should be bought or which company is good? just take care of one thing no hurries because the stock market is not a magic in which you become rich as soon as you invest money.

i.)Calculation before selling stock-

Before selling a stock, calculate its tax and brokerage so that you know the profit.

How to choose the right stock-

1.)Know the company in which you are investing
2.)What business does that company do?
3.)Management collaboration
4.)Return on investment
5.)Net profit margin
6.)Earning per share
7.)Dividend payout ratio
8.)Diversification of company

Hope you understand this article Make Money Online, if there is any question related to this article, then you can ask and comment.

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